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13 Days

1 Country

11 Cities


The Morocco's Mecca also known as the holiest city- sacred site of Moulay Idriss Tomb

Stay a night under the stars in the Sahara Desert luxury camp

Visit 12 zawiya, the sacred sites of Morocco all around the country


              WY824 2105 - 0015


              WY171 1335 - 1950 


            Hassan II Mosque, Hassan Tower, Mausoleum of Mohammed V


            Tetouan Medina, Zawiya Muhammad Haraaq


            Blue City, Grand Mosque, Moulay Idriss Zerhoun

Day 6   FES

            Blue GateTannery, University of al-Qarawiyyin, Sidi Ahmed Tijani,
Ahmed As-Saqalli, Sidi Ali Jamal, Moulay Idriss II


            Camel Ride + Overnight in Sahara Desert Luxury Camp


              Moulay Ali Cheriff, Zawiya Naciria


            Kasbah Ait Ben Haddou, Argan Oil Women's Cooperative


            Sidi Youssef Ben Ali, Qadi Ayyad, Sidi Bel Abbas, Sidi Suleiman Al
            Jazuli, Sidi Abdel Aziz, Sidi Abdullah Ghazouani, Imam Souhaili,
            Jemaa El Fna


            Koutoubia Mosque, Bahia Palace


            WY172 0915 - 1940


              WY821 2115 - 0810 

Download Itinerary
Day 1
Day 2

Day 1   Kuala Lumpur - Muscat

Departure at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for flight to Casablanca.

WY824 KUL-MCT 2105 – 0015.

Included Meals - Meal on Board

Hotel - 3*** or similar

Day 2   Muscat - Casablanca

Transit at Muscat to Casablanca. WY171 MCT-CMN 1335-1950. Upon arrival, meet and greet at Mohammed V Aeroport, Casablanca

Included Meals - Hotel Breakfast, Meal on Board

Hotel - 3*** or similar

Hotel - Hotel Escale 4**** or  Riad Laila Zoubida or similar

Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10

Day 11   Marrakesh – Casablanca (241km, 4hrs)

Included Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Hotel - 3*** or similar

Day 12  Casablanca - Muscat  

Transfer to airport. WY172 CMN- MCT 0915-1940

Included Meals - Hotel Breakfast, Meals on Board

*** The above itinerary is for reference only, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.

*** For all the Zaouia visit, very much depends on their opening time. We cannot guaranteed the visit. Donations are
      needed, min RM15 per pax per visit suggested.

*** Prefer a private tour? Email us for quotation.

Day 13  Muscat - Kuala Lumpur

Welcome home. WY821 MCT-KUL 2115-0810.

Day 11
Day 12
Day 13

Hotel - 3*** or similar 

Day 10  Marrakech 

Marrakesh is a former imperial city of Morocco and its medina was listed as the UNESCO World Heritage. It was known as the red city because of its buildings and ramparts of beaten clay. In fact, the red city was called the “City of Seven Saints” by many Moroccans that is not a very well-known fact among most tourists.  These saints were believed to have been blessed by Allah with remarkable wisdom and strengths. The saints also had different strengths that the Muslims could seek assistance for, such as healing different kind of diseases, helping with child births, reaching life goals etc.

Their tombs became popular destinations as pilgrimages for many centuries before the tradition slowly died down. Today, we will visit 3 or 4 out from 7 saints' tomb depending on their opening time:


1. Sidi Youssef Ben Ali nickname is "the cave man" as he went to live in a cave in a deserted place near Marrakesh when he was afflicted with leprosy at a young age. Locals expected him to die any moment, but he surprised them and survived for a long time. People started talking about his power to resist hunger and disease, and they began visiting him in the cave to receive guidance and help them solve their problems.

2. Qadi Ayyad was the great imam of Ceuta and later, a high judge in Granada. As a scion of a notable scholarly family, he was able to learn from the best teachers, Ceuta had to offer. He became a prestigious scholar in his own right, and won the support of the highest levels of society.

3. Sidi Bel Abbas is the most important of the Seven Saints, and is sometimes referred to as the Patron Saint of Marrakech. Sidi Bel Abbas was also a great patron of the poor and particularly the blind in the twelfth century. Even today, food for the poor is distributed regularly at his tomb.

4. Sidi Suleiman Al Jazuli A Moroccan Sufi leader of the Berber tribe of the Jazulah. He is best known for compiling the Dala’il al-Khayrat, an extremely popular Muslim prayer book. 


5. Sidi Abdel Aziz was illiterate during his youth but later made a name for himself in Fez at the Medersat el Attarine, where he was the spiritual successor of Imam el Jazouli. It is a local tradition for women to visit his grave, drawn to the idea that he can heal their fertility and facilitate childbirth. 

6. Sidi Abdullah Ghazouani led the resistance in the 16th century when the Portuguese invaded Marrakech.

7. Imam Souhaili was a blind man from Malaga in Spain who moved to Marrakech in the 12th century. He was famous for knowing the whole Quran by heart. 

At the evening, we will visit the largest traditional market Jemaa El Fna.

Included Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Hotel - 3*** or similar

After breakfast, we visit the landmark of the city, Koutoubia Mosque.  Later, visit the 19th century largest and most luxurious palace, Bahia Palace. Also, one of the masterpieces of Moroccan architecture. Enjoy an authentic local lunch before we depart to Casablanca.

Included Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Hotel - Sahara Luxury Camp with Private Bathroom

Included Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 6   Fes

Included Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Fes is the largest pedestrian city in the world. Built in the 9th century, it brings each visitor the sense of going back in time. With it olden architecture, narrow donkey pathway and
horse and cart, you witness a piece of history suspended in time.

After breakfast, we will start our medina tour from the main entrance of the medina, Bab Boujloud also known as the blue gate (the most famous gate in Morocco). Roaming through the winding and narrow streets to find for the world oldest and continually operating university – al-Qarawiyyin​ Mosque; and the largest and best-known tannery in the heart of the souk - Chouara Tannery. Enjoy our lunch in the medina.

We will also visit some of the Zawiya. Including Sidi Ahmed Tijani, it is the most famous and most eclectic zawiya history of Africa and the Maghreb. Moulay Ahmed Saqalli, born in 1112 and was a Shaykh of the Khalwatiyya Order in Fes. He was affiliated with many scholars and saints who took from him including the Mufti of Fes, Shaykh al Islam Muhammad Tawudi Bensoudah. Sidi Ali Jamal - teacher of the famous founder of the Darqawi Tariqah. The author of a manuscript “The Meaning of Man”. Zaouia Moulay Idriss II - who ruled Morocco from 807 to 828 and founded the city of Fes.

Hotel - 3*** or similar

Hotel - 3*** or similar

After an early breakfast, we will depart for famous Swiss influence resort-town, Ifrane. Also the only town in Morocco experiences snow during winter. Famous for its pines tree, ski slope and relaxing cafe for a weekend gateway. The stone sculpture is a well known landmark, carved by a German soldier during WWII (or according to the local legend is to commemorates the last wild Atlas lion) Nevertheless, having your picture taken with the lion is something of a ritual for visitors. We will have lunch at Midelt and continue our journey to the entrance gate of Sahara Desert.

Upon arrival, you will be guide to mount your camel which will be lead by a Berber’s camel man. This slow and buoyancy ride across the sand dunes provide us the opportunity to experience the great Sahara sunset. Our desert camel ride will take us about 45 min before we reach our gorgeous campsite. Upon reaching our camp, relax and freshen up before a traditional dinner is served. Berber’s hypnotic drum performance will entertain you too. Let be here for the desert experience, a chance to pretend we were the nomads.

Day 7   Fes – Infrane (64km, 1hr) – Midelt (135km, 2.5hrs) – Mezouga (263km, 4hrs).

Day 9   Zagora – Ouarzazate (162km, 3hrs ) - Marrakesh (196km, 4hrs)

We continue with our journey to the Kasbah Ait Ben Haddou: A UNESCO world heritage site since 1987, was a group of earthern buildings surrounded by high walls, a traditional pre-Saharan habitat. Four families are currently living inside the fortress. While the best thing to do here is walking around the town to admire the mud-brick architecture and visit some of the kasbah to see how the families live there or hike to the top where you can get a spectacular view. We have lunch and continue our journey to the next Unesco World Heritage Imperial city, Marrakech via the Route of the Thousand Kasbah. We will stop at the Women's Co-Operative to understand how the premium Argan Oil is being produce, simple by hand.

Included Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 8   Mezouga - Rissani (40km, 45min) - Zagora (268km, 4hrs)

The journey continue to the visit the Mausoleum of Moulay Ali Cheriff (1631 to 1636) - He is consider the founder of the Alaouite Dynasty after the collapse of the Saadian. The place contains the tombs of Moulay Ali al-Cherif and his sons. It has a spacious courtyard, a balcony and a mosque with a dome measuring 11 meters, 7 meters wide and 15 meters high.

Zaouia Naciria -  a Sufi order founded by Sidi Mohammed ibn Nasir al-Drawi whose centre was Tamegroute. It displayed impressive examples of the Quran, ancient books on various topics including an illustrated dictionary of animals, as well as illuminated transcripts with beautiful calligraphy. The mausoleum housed the graves of eight marabouts (important Muslim leaders or teachers) and a madrasa.

Included Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Hotel - 3*** or similar

Day 3   Casablanca – Rabat (95km, 1 hr)

Meet and greet at Mohammed V Aeroport, Casablanca by our Morocco2u driver guide.

We will start our journey visiting the Hassan II Mosque, one of the modern mosque in the world and also the only mosque in Morocco which opens to non-Muslim for visit. This majestic architecture marvel which part sit on the Atlantic ocean and part on land being completed in 1993 having the second tallest minaret in the world with a laser beaming directly towards Mecca.

Later, we will travel to the capital city, Rabat. Visit the Hassan Tower, which was intended to be finished as the tallest minaret and mosque in the world in 12th century. However, the construction was stopped after the sultan died. Just across the unfinished ruins stands the striking Mausoleum of Mohammed V.

Included Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Hotel - 3*** or similar

Day 4   Rabat – Tetouan (278km, 3hrs) - Chefchaouen ( 65km, 1.5hrs)

After a good breakfast, we will depart for Tetouan,  nicknamed the White Dove and visit the old medina. Inside there is a mausoleum of the student of great Al Arabi Ad Darqawi. Muhammad Haraaq (1772-1845) who is the author of a Risa’il (poems) buried here near Bab Almaqabir. We then continue our journey to Chefchaoune. 


Included Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Hotel - 3*** or similar

Day 5   Chefchaouen - Moulay Idriss (179km, 3.5hrs) – Fes (87km, 1.5hrs)

Today we will explore this tiny city, known as Morocco "blue pearl" or the blue city rested under the Rif mountain. Visit the Grand Mosque, constructed in the 15th century, by the orders of Moulay Mohamed Ben Ali Ben Rachid, the son of the city’s founder. Have some time walking around the picaresque city before we head to the next stop.

After lunch, we drive to Morocco holiest city situated on Mount Zerhoun, Moulay idriss. It was named after the city founder, Moulay Idriss el Akbar, a sixth-generation descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. In the late 8th century Moulay Idriss left the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to escape the civil war. He fled all the way to Morocco, where he settled down and spread the religion of Islam by converting the local population. He is now considered to be the founder and leader of Morocco’s first Islamic dynasty, called the Idrisid dynasty. We will visit the Moulay Idriss I Tomb. We continue our journey to the oldest imperial city, Fes.

Trip Details


All In

Departure Date

Flight Details


Single Supp

1. 09.03.20 - 21.03.20

MAR 09 WY824 KUL-MCT  2105 - 0015

MAR 10 WY171 MCT-CMN 1335 - 1950

MAR 20 WY172 CMN - MCT 0915 - 1940

MAR 21 WY821 MCT - KUL 2115 - 0810


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What's Included

What's Excluded

On-Trip Transportation

Tourism registered coach


10 Nights

Accommodation local 3 *** hotel + Sahara luxury camp with private bathroom  

28 Meals

10 breakfast, 9 lunches,
9 dinners

Local Guide

national licensed
tour guide


Sunset camel ride


Guide + driver

Entrance Tickets

  • Hassan ll Mosque 

  • Bahia Palace   

Flight Ticket

Oman Air economy return fare, including airport taxes

Oman Transit 

Accommodation, visa,



Porterage, toilet entrance fee,
donation for zawiya etc

Travel Insurance

All guest are compulsory to
have travel insurance

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